Why Your Dua Wasn’t Answered…


Salaam, Sister!

Have you ever prayed really hard for something that you really wanted–and your dua STILL wasn’t answered?

Maybe you prayed for…
a better job
more money
a husband or a better marriage
a more fit & healthy body
or, life guidance in general…

So what happened to your dua? Did you not pray hard enough? Is Allah ignoring you because you’re not a “perfect Muslimah”? Is Allah not answering you because He just doesn’t want to?

Here’s the thing, Sister: Every dua gets answered immediately.

As soon as you raise your hands to ask Allah for something, He puts that thing (or something better!) in your path. Allah promises us this in The Quran (Quran 2:186)… But He also swears that He won’t change your situation until you first change yourself (Quran 13:11).

So, when we feel that Allah hasn’t answered our dua, we have to ask ourselves: “What do I need to change? How am I blocking myself from getting what I want?”

The most common blocks are baggage from your past, lack of faith that Allah will bless you, confusion about what you really want, impatience, low self-confidence…and the most crucial — a lack of connection to Allah.

We’re going to break through these blocks in our new online class: Muslim Women Connected.

“Muslimette classes are awesome!” -Priya L.

“Class was inspiring and insightful, masha Allah.” – Sister Carrie

“I learned things about the Quraan that I never knew and I can’t wait for the next class.” – G. Chaudry

“…it has made a world of difference in all aspects of my life. After 15 years of marriage and three kids, I needed a jumpstart and your class has been a lifesaver!” – C. N.

(Testimonials from Muslimette Students)

-establish a deep connection to Allah
-discover your true desires and the tools to get them
-connect with amazing Muslim women who will support you along the way

how to get anything you want or better–Seriously!
-the two things you must do to get closer to Allah right now
how to be confident–no matter what
-how to heal your past so that you can thrive in your future
how to be happy & fulfilled in your life (hint: it’s not about just accepting your life as it is)
-and much more!

Sign up today from anywhere in the world! Last year we had students from Hong Kong, Australia, the UK, Canada, and every coast in the US. All you need is a computer and the desire to change!

Muslim Women Connected is a 4-week online class that starts on April 9th 2012. Sign up today and take $10 off your tuition fee! Click now and pay just $27.

There will be four 45-minute lessons taught by audio recording. New lessons will be available on Mondays. You will login into the classroom, download an audio recording of the lesson, complete an assignment, and interact with myself and your Sisters in the private forums. You will have access to the classroom 24-hours a day so you can listen to the audios, ask questions, and give feedback at your convenience!

Are you ready to change your life in an amazing way?

Register for the Secrets of Halal Sexiness Class!

Thank You & Salaam!

Jokima Maysoon
Muslimette Life Coach

P.S. Allah won’t change your life until you change yourself. Let’s get started!

9 thoughts on “Why Your Dua Wasn’t Answered…

  1. Shaheena Aziz

    Masha Allah. This sounds so inspiring. Insha allah will sign up!

  2. Jokima Maysoon

    Thanks Shaheena! Alhamdulillah! We’ll see you in class inshaAllah.

  3. Hanaan

    I just signed up! Looking forward to the experience.

    1. Jokima Maysoon

      Thank you Hanaan! :-) It’s going to be a great, inshaAllah.

  4. Brittany

    Alhumdulillah! I converted a little over a year ago and I am so excited for this… for a relatively “new” muslim that doesn’t have a many resources but the internet ( and its hard to know what is truthful these days) I am so excited for this class! There is nothing more I desire than getting closer to Allah! I will share these awesome new ideas with my husband too! Ill try to sign up friends as well Inshalallah!

    1. Jokima Maysoon

      Salaam Brittany! Thank you for signing up, and thank you for helping us spread the word.

  5. Jenn

    SA Jokima

    Just helped sign my Niece up who is visiting right now from Pakistan. JK for making the class so accessible. Insha’Allah more will take advantage of the opportunity. Now I am officially an Agony Aunt!

    1. Jokima Maysoon

      WA Jenn

      Thanks for signing your neice up! JK! Do you want me to send emails to the email address on the Paypal receipt or is there a different email address/name that I should use? Email me and let me know inshaAllah: muslimette @ yahoo . com

  6. Nehan

    As salaamu alaykum!

    Have signed up and really excited to start away! Hopefully we’ll be getting the details soon enshallah?

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